The grand areas of leadership are sterilized nations with rate today at country so that our reputation around the world but let me clear if election isn’t just about eating building this country better again but create teams to a Deadpool And Pikachu Pew Pew Madafakas shirt clean energy revolution bring critical supplies said the future may build on the affordable care that everyone piece of mind that comes with ensuring aftercare baby. It was like well Donald R Taco Bell is to talk about you do not order so well patent bomberand you talk about the president soand then he would do about 20 on Taco Bell with no drinks on themselves is like this like a minimum the hello. EARLIER THIS THIS MIGHT BE WHERE KICKS OFF AT ALL HONESTLY HONESTLY THIS IS HOW THE WHOLE FOOTBALL RIVALRY STARTED THE FIRST FOOTBALL GAME BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AND OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY HAPPEN ABOUT 30 TO 40 YEARS AFTER THIS BACK IN THE DAYS LIKE LEATHER PADDING AND SHIT AND ACTUALLY I WAS WORRIED THAT THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE FIRST YEAR THAT IT WOULDN’T HAPPEN IN LIKE 120 YEARS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT BUT THEY JUST AGREE THAT THE BIG TEN SEASON WILL HAPPEN SOONER OR YET SO I’D NORMALLY THE GAME THAT THEY PLAY IS AROUND THANKSGIVING TIME LIKE LATE NOVEMBER BUT IT’S I COULD BE UNTIL MID OCTOBER THIS YEAR AND IT’S IT’S CRAZY HOW MANY TIMES THEY PLAYED EACH OTHER AND OVERALL MICHIGAN HAS MORE WINS BUT EVERY YEAR IT GETS CLOSER AND CLOSER IS MICHIGAN AS ONE IN LIKE 11 YEARS NOW WHILE I WILL SAY THIS ABOUT THE ILLEGAL WAR YET MOMMY IS BAY AND I FIGHT FOR HER TO ALL MY GOD YOU ANNOY THE ONLY TIMES I’VE HEARD THAT JOE GROWN UP REALLY WARM ON ME YEAH LIKE CALLING MOMMY MAY FIVE FOR HER TO MOMMY IS ALSO A
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That gambling bartender has mixed emotions about coming to work as cases climb all had any need to apprehension shared on one 6 feet apart lined all along the block for covert test tell the story of a Deadpool And Pikachu Pew Pew Madafakas shirt province’s upward surge today 401 reported cases in Ontario the highest daily number since June and acknowledgment action is needed we cannot run a government speed we have to run a coalbed speed next week pharmacy here will help pitching with testing the premier hints that he will be cracking down on covert more communities across the father Toronto’s mayor is also promising more rules to discuss the notion of sorting out some of the legalities of I can put it that way of what more we might do with respect to Basque medical experts agree increased penalties and enforcement might help flatten Canada’s curve a lot of people will not change the behavior there’s no consequences to their actions as the trend pushes upward some doctors say even more restrictive measures are needed we are going to have to dial back. Know anything you know is I see you so this be only excuses the use what is coronavirus side is the post office mail rainbow the Democrats got more excuses about as gravity that is the question she is not going is Barack Obama was little bits but she’ll make the word and she is no variation source was seen she because you know is through video and I wish I mean me as I you do not even real’s she directed and known as’s say resources this will always be in a residence was the body is know you have is what is really issue is gazing do you think the issue is so you moved over all coronavirus Russian or do you want to blame both on the way to mask their yes or no snow and very serious situation will be my view on what you will donation the how to stress the bigger the Democrat be a tell me the answer and is case he said he suffered the same fate as everybody else is not only the recovery phase me it was already down piece of the puzzle to the with sky on this site shall not share and was will you see she. And was missing was very nice today Road a beautiful statement about the recent a lot of a lot of things that he needed okay things different things that he needed we got we get it taken care of they done very well in California as you know the doing really well in Florida doing well in a lot of places New York and New Jersey got hit very hard to doing very well I spoke again with Gov Cuomo with Gov Murphy they doing and they doing a great job and is a we have to see hi everyone close together tighter people don’t realize New Jersey is very tight you realize that you been covering it for a long time but very tight New York obviously is very tight and doing a terrific job I think for the most part I’ll be able to tell you when it’s all over but a lot of the governors and then really terrific job semi don’t think have to be honest but will be talking about that Fiji is going on very advanced and testing other countries and calling us to find out what are we doing by the way within two weeks you see numbers and
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